Friday, April 18, 2008

Biding our time

Sarah tells us we must update the blog this week....we are certain we'd rather be sleeping. But we'll oblige. After all, we DO need someone who has opposable thumbs to continue filling our food bowl for us.
It has been a fairly uneventful week in our house. Last weekend the humans left for the afternoon and evening on Saturday. They went to a place called Weimar to take some pictures and have dinner with Parker's Grandpa Roy and Grandma Diane. Sarah told us to tell you that if you want to look at the pictures they are available for viewing for a limited time at (Once you're at the page, click on "Client Proofing", then on "Click here", and finally on the "Ryan, Sarah and Parker" option). They said they were "family" portaits....last time we checked we were members of the "family", but we guess we just are no longer important enough to be included in the pictures. Oh least it saved us the trauma of having to be crammed into that stupid carrier that they throw us in when they force us to go for a ride in the car.
Sunday Sarah went shopping with her friend Jessica. She brought us such a neat new toy! They call it a "baby play gym"...we call it our new pallet. Sometimes they put that small person on it so he can coo and kick. But when they are not here, IT'S ALL OURS! It's so nice and soft and has all of these neat little toys hanging from it that are perfect for us to bat at. I'm not sure why they keep putting Parker on it, we are pretty sure it is meant for us only!
Parker has been feeling a little crummy this week again, apparently. Sarah says he is congested, and he's been sleeping with a little machine in his room that puts out wet air. I think they called it a humidifier, we call it stupid. What good does it do to have a mist of moist air blanketing you while you are trying to sleep??? We don't get it. Oh, and that's another thing, that kid has FINALLY started sleeping in his own room. We are SO HAPPY, because now we can sleep in our normal spots in Sarah and Ryan's room and not have to be bothered with that baby crying and waking us up mulitple times at night. Now when he cries, they bring him in the room only for a few minutes, and then they take him back to his room. We love it!
Well, catnaps are calling. Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I need to come visit my kitties. :)