Howdy folks! I'm going to do a quick update this week and give the girls the week off. They have had a VERY busy day...full of lounging on the guest bed, trying to eat my church flowers from yesterday, eating, lounging on the guest bed, trying to eat the flowers, trying to eat the ribbon on a balloon left from my birthday, bathing, and trying to eat the church flowers. They have not been successful in eating the flowers though - I moved them to my bathroom and shut the door. I'm pretty sure they hate me for it.
I spent the day at home today with Parker because Cindy needed to go in to work and do some things. Parker's other Grammie was in Round Rock taking care of Landon while Heather had a teacher inservice which she tells me was an ABSOLUTE BLAST. So I took the day off and spent it at home with my little monster. After a full day at home with him, I am just spent. The kid has what is seemingly an endless supply of energy. I had to run a few errands while Ryan was home at lunch, and I'm beginning to wonder if Ryan didn't slip part of an energy drink into Parker's bottle that he gave him while he was here. Parker was up and ready to start the day at 6:15 this morning. This is NOT ok. I gave him a bottle, put him in bed with Ryan and I, and crossed my fingers and prayed that he'd fall back asleep. NO SUCH LUCK. He drank half his bottle and proceeded to climb over Ryan and I like we are his personal jungle gyms. So we got up. We were watching Barney at 7:30 this morning. There is something wrong with that picture! I could tell that by about 9 he was in need of a nap. Nope. I put him in his crib, left the room, and came back a few minutes later to find this...

This happened 3 times before I gave up on the idea that he'd go to sleep. It is now 5:19....Parker is FINALLY asleep in his crib, but he's only been that way for 20 minutes. This is the second nap he has had today. The first one lasted a whole 20 minutes. Let's hope this one lasts a little longer. The kid just has no interest in sleeping. He gets that from his daddy.
SONOFA....there goes the crying. I spoke to damn soon. GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, babysitter Barney is on it. That buys me a little time to finish this before he realizes I'm not in the room and gets very impatient with me. There's not a whole lot else going on with us right now. This week's video shows a couple of Parker's latest past-times - standing up and making noises. Yes, those noises you hear are him, and they are coming out of his mouth, not from another area. There is a constant chorus in our house of this noise coming from the little monster. Another of his favorite new activities....undoing the velcro from one side of his diaper. That's a fun one. So far he hasn't dribbled any "presents" throughout the house because of this new fun activity, but there have been some very close calls.
Alrighty, I'm about out of time. Any minute now I expect to be summoned from the living room. In conclusion I'd like to say that stay-at-home moms are a breed of their own and deserve an award for what they put up with all day!
Until next time...
Awe... I miss him!!! We will have to remedy this very soon!!!
You have such a pretty baby. :)
No new Parker posts .. makes me very sad.....
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